Andamooka adds new Andamooka Collections system


Author: JT Smith

David Sweet writes, “The new Andamooka Collections system lets users create custom,
annotated, open content books. Four more books have been added to the
Andamooka library of open source documentation and learning materials
bringing the total to 21 (or over 2000 pages).”
Andamooka Collections

The Andamooka Collections system allows users to create collections
of pages from the open content available on Andamooka. These collections
can be read online and shared with others. For example, a system
administrator might want to create documentation for the users s/he
supports. S/he could assemble relevant chapters from several open content
books and annotate the pages to “localize” the documentation, creating a
single, high quality, reference for local users.

New Books

Andamooka is proud to host the following books:

  • GIMP: The Official Handbook, a book filled with gorgeous
    GIMP-created images, by Kylander & Kylander.
  • Linux System Administrators’ Guide, a “classic” (circa
    1993) reference by Lars Wirzenius and Joanna Oja
  • Dive Into Python by Mark Pilgrim, an advanced Python
    programming guide, and
  • Introduction to Programming Using Java a textbook by
    David J. Eck that is also suitable for self-teaching.

Each is available for online reading, annotation, and discuss.

About Andamooka

is a collection of
support communities for open content books.

Andamooka’s public forum helps bring together people with common
interests — after all, they’re all reading the same book! — to
assist each other in studying, analyzing, or putting into practice the
content of the book.

The Open Content License, and GNU Free Documentation Licenses, and
similar license have the potential to dramatically change the way a
book is developed and is received by its readers, and Andamooka is
continually being improving to further explore and utilize the
freedoms granted by these licenses.

At Andamooka we want to get active readers together to discuss and
modify the work openly — in a public forum — so that issues of fact,
clarity, and content can be addressed and correct, useful additions
can be made to the main work. Because the licenses are relatively
unrestrictive, the modified work can then be redistributed so that
each reader can benefit from the work of the entire commmunity. In
this model, “open” books become dynamic and can be constantly current.”