Announcing new Linux User Group in High Springs, Florida

Matt Barnes writes: “Hello All
I am pleased to announce the formation of a Brand New Linux Users Group (LUG) in High Springs Florida (yes its in the boonies) and would like to welcome any and all of you who are interested in sharing your linux experience to contact me for more information and a schedule of upcoming events. If you are a newcomer to Linux and would like to check things out before you take the plunge, we welcome you as well. Anyone is welcome regardless of experience, so dont be afraid to throw your two cents in and get involved we are looking forward to a long and successful linux experience. Any other LUG’s wanting to collaborate, share resources, or offer advice? Your input is gladly accepted and highly valued. Our current goal is to finish the Outdoor Linux Project before it gets too hot and also to Start work on the Underwater Linux Project coming up this summer. If you would like further details please feel free to contact me at: for a detailed introduction and ways you can participate.

We invite you to check our webpage for updates”