antiX MEPIS 6.5 Screenshots

Anonymous Reader writes “MEPIS has announced the ‘Spartacus’ release of antiX, a lightweight derivative of MEPIS. AntiX is built and maintained by MEPIS a community member, as a free version of MEPIS for very old 32-bit PC hardware. AntiX is built using the MEPIS Linux 6.5 core including the MEPIS 2.6.15 kernel and utilities, but mostly it has a different set of default user applications: Fluxbox and IceWM, AbiWord, Gnumeric, Leafpad, Scite, Nano, GIMP, Firefox 2, Sylpheed-claws, Dillo…. AntiX is designed to work on computers with as little as 64 MB RAM and Pentium II or equivalent AMD processors. has a nice collection of antiX MEPIS 6.5 screenshots.”



  • Linux