The Apress OS Commitment: Leading the Way in 2005

Julie Miller writes “Berkeley, CA—1 August 2005—Apress is proving itself a force to be reckoned with this summer. As the fastest growing publisher of technical books, Apress is making several new titles and incentives available to the community as of today.


Zend, the PHP company, and Apress have partnered up to create the Apress-Zend Certification Rebate. Starting today, purchase a Zend Certification Voucher and an Apress PHP title, and receive $25 back. Apress believes that this rebate will provide all prospective programmers added incentive to become Zend-certified Engineers, and is pleased to be working with Zend.

August eBookshop Promotion

Throughout the month of August, to celebrate Apress’ continued commitment to the open source community, Apress has announced the “Open Season, Open Source” sale at the Apress eBookshop. All open source titles will be sold at an additional 25% off the normal eBook price!

An Apress eBook is a valuable companion to an indispensable reference book; offered in PDF format, it is searchable, portable, convenient and affordable.

Publishing Program

Apress has published a slew of hot titles in preparation for OSCON 2005 and LinuxWorld San Francisco. Pro MySQL by Michael Kruckenberg and Jay Pipes is one of the first books to cover MySQL 5 for intermediate and expert users, and according to Brian Aker, Director of Architecture at MySQL AB, “Reading this book brings a smile to my face.”

Open Source Messaging Application Development: Building and Extending Gaim by Sean Egan, the lead developer and maintainer of Gaim, serves as a key introduction to the open source world, as well as a guide to creating a multiplatform, networked, instant messaging client. Pro Novell Open Enterprise Service by Sander van Vugt objectively covers both the Linux and Netware OES, and helps all network administrators create the best solutions. Pro Hibernate 3 by Dave Minter and Jeff Linwood is the first book to market with complete Hibernate 3 coverage and real-world application design tips.

Apress will soon publish the first book solely on MapServer, appropriately titled Beginning MapServer: Open Source GIS Development, by Bill Kropla; later this fall, Apress will issue a book geared towards Mozilla Firefox developers, Pro Firefox Extension and Application Development, by the highly regarded Kurt Cagle.

About Apress

All Apress titles are available at bookstores nationwide, online booksellers, and from Springer New York, Inc. at 800-777-4643; fax 201.348.4505. Contact us for more information at

For a review copy, author interview, cover file, or more information about Apress’ innovative approach to publishing, contact Julie Miller at 510-549-5930, extension 126, or write to

Apress L.P., based in Berkeley, California, is the fastest-growing publisher of technical books in the world today. It is dedicated to meeting the needs of IT professionals, from novice to expert. Apress is dedicated to publishing titles of the highest quality and has compiled a team of authors that is a “Who’s Who” of the high-tech industry.”