Architecting Containers Part 5: Building a Secure and Manageable Container Software Supply Chain


In Architecting Containers Part 4: Workload Characteristics and Candidates for Containerization we investigated the level of effort necessary to containerize different types of workloads. In this article I am going to address several challenges facing organizations that are deploying containers – how to patch containers and how to determine which teams are responsible for the container images. Should they be controlled by development or operations?

In addition, we are going to take a look at what is really inside the container – it’s typically a repository made up of several layers, not just a single image. Since they are typically layered images, we can think of them as a software supply chain. This software supply chain can address mapping your current business processes and teams to the container build process to meet the needs of a production container deployment in a flexible and manageable way.

Read more at Red Hat Blog