Big Things Come In Small Packages At

Article Source Linux Journal
August 12, 2009, 3:30 pm

A large part of the experience are the “miniconfs,” two day-long, highly-focused seminars aimed at specific areas of Linux and Open Source development. The first two days of the conference are dedicated to these sessions, and for those planning to attend, you can start picking yours out, as the “winners” were announced this week.

The 2010, which convenes in Wellington, New Zealand from January 18 – 23, 2010 , looks to have an interesting lineup for the two miniconf days. The proposal period, which ran from June 29 – July 24, obviously produced a wealth of possibilities, a point confirmed by the Review Committee’s Fran√ßois Marier. “The quality and number of Miniconf Proposals we received this year were very high, making the selection of successful Miniconfs a difficult task.”

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