Bringing The Power of ClamAV To The KDE Desktop

Linuxgangster writes “Many people in the open source community question the need for antivirus software on a Linux or BSD system – especially a non-corporate, home system. But let me ask you, “Do you send and receive emails?” “Do you download files from untrusted sources?” “Does your web browser and/or news reader download info from the web and cache it on your system?” If the answer to any of these is, “Yes,” you may want to reconsider your position on antivirus software and open source systems. While it’s true that very few of the viruses and other malware out there can do much damage to a Linux or BSD system, they are still not something you want laying around on your system in an email or wherever. And you certainly don’t want to run the risk of passing them on to your windows-using friends and family.”



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