Canadian Election and FLOSS/Digital Copyright

Russell McOrmond writes “The Digital Copyright Canada forum and the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) are working to make Internet, Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) and digital copyright issues during the current election.

In 2001, with the help of the EFF, we were able to generate approximately 650 of the 700 written replies that the government received to their consultation. Our replies all opposed the DMCA being brought into Canada.

Unfortunately Parliament has not been listening to us. Recent reports from parliamentary committees have directed government to immediately ratify the WIPO treaties that were implemented as the DMCA in the USA.

We need to get louder, and letting candidates know during elections that this is important to us is one important way to send a message. Canadians should be proactive and ensure that their candidates know where they stand on these issues. Both CIPPIC and the Digital Copyright Canada forum have questions for Candidates which can help you find out where they stand.

Issues we are getting answers from parties and candidates about include: Music File-sharing, Technological Protection of Copyright Materials, Educational Use of Internet Materials, ISP Liability for copyright infringement, Open Source Software, SPAM, and National ID cards.

If you are one of those 40% of Canadians that don’t vote, please consider getting involved this time. Protecting the Internet and FLOSS from bad government policy is an important reason to vote!”



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