Cheap Mandrake for Windows refugees

by Tina Gasperson
Monday, MandrakeSoft announced what it calls a Refugee Program. If you can muster up proof that you purchased an operating system license to run Windows or UNIX or any other OS, Mandrake has got a deal for you.MandrakeSoft v.p. Gael Duval says that he wants to see a copy of your proof of ownership (doesn’t he know that EULAs say we *never* own our software, only lease it?) in the form of a photocopy of the OS license , of the OS installation CD, or of the OS installation guide cover.

Fax, mail, or email it in to headquarters in Paris, and you’ll receive an email with instructions for ordering the “OS Refugee Pack” for $12.95.

The “pack” comes one of two ways, your choice. You’ll either get Mandrake 8.1 or 8.2, full sets with manuals but no support, or you can choose a one-CD set of Mandrake 9.0 that doesn’t come with manuals or “extras” CDs. Either way, a coupon for $12.50 off the price of a Mandrake 9.0 PowerPack is included, in case you decide to go all out for Linux.

We feel compelled to let all the refugees with broadband connections and CD burners know that they can also download Mandrake 9.0 ISOs, free of charge and with no license copies required, at mirror sites worldwide.


  • Linux