CII Project Advances Linux Kernel Security as Firm Ends Free Patches


There has been some public discussion in the last week regarding the decision by Open Source Security Inc. and the creators of the Grsecurity® patches for the Linux kernel to cease making these patches freely available to users who are not paid subscribers to their service. While we at the Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII) would have preferred them to keep these patches freely available, the decision is absolutely theirs to make.

From the point of view of the CII, we would much rather have security capabilities such as those offered by Grsecurity® in the main upstream kernel rather than available as a patch that needs to be applied by the user. That said, we fully understand that there is a lot of work involved in upstreaming extensive patches such as these and we will not criticise the Grsecurity® team for not doing so. Instead we will continue to support work to make the kernel as secure as possible.

CII exists to support work improving the security of critical open source components. In a Linux system a flaw in the kernel can open up the opportunity for security problems in any or all the components – so it is in some sense the most critical component we have. Unsurprisingly, we have always been keen to support work that will make this more secure and plan to do even more going forward.

Over the past few years the CII has been funding the Kernel Self Protection Project, the aim of which is to ensure that the kernel fails safely rather than just running safely. Many of the threads of this project were ported from the GPL-licensed code created by the PaX and Grsecurity® teams while others were inspired by some of their design work. This is exactly the way that open source development can both nurture and spread innovation. Below is a list of some of the kernel security projects that the CII has supported.

One of the larger kernel security projects that the CII has supported was the work performed by Emese Renfy on the plugin infrastructure for gcc. This architecture enables security improvements to be delivered in a modular way and Emese also worked on the constify, latent_entropy, structleak and initify plugins.

  • Constify automatically applies const to structures which consist of function pointer members.

  • The Latent Entropy plugin mitigates the problem of the kernel having too little entropy during and after boot for generating crypto keys. This plugin mixes random values into the latent_entropy global variable in functions marked by the __latent_entropy attribute. The value of this global variable is added to the kernel entropy pool to increase the entropy.

  • The Structleak plugin zero-initializes any structures that containing a  __user attribute. This can prevent some classes of information exposures. For example, the exposure of siginfo in CVE-2013-2141 would have been blocked by this plugin.

  • Initify extends the kernel mechanism to free up code and data memory that is only used during kernel or module initialization. This plugin will teach the compiler to find more such code and data that can be freed after initialization, thereby reducing memory usage. It also moves string constants used in initialization into their own sections so they can also be freed.

Another, current project that the CII is supporting is the work by David Windsor on HARDENED_ATOMIC and HARDENED_USERCOPY.

HARDENED_ATOMIC is a kernel self-protection mechanism that greatly helps with the prevention of use-after-free bugs. It is based off of work done by Kees Cook and the PaX Team. David has been adding new data types for reference counts and statistics so that these do not need to use the main atomic_t type.

The overall hardened usercopy feature is extensive, and has many sub-components. The main part David is working on is called slab cache whitelisting. Basically, hardened usercopy adds checks into the Linux kernel to make sure that whenever data is copied to/from userspace, buffer overflows do not occur.  It does this by verifying the size of the source and destination buffers, the location of these buffers in memory, and other checks.

One of the ways that it does this is to, by default, deny copying from kernel slabs, unless they are explicitly marked as being allowed to be copied.  Slabs are areas of memory that hold frequently used kernel objects.  These objects, by virtue of being frequently used, are allocated/freed many times.  Rather than calling the kernel allocator each time it needs a new object, it rather just takes one from a slab. Rather than freeing these objects, it returns them to the appropriate slab. Hardened usercopy, by default, will deny copying objects obtained from slabs. The work David is doing is to add the ability to mark slabs as being “copyable.”  This is called “whitelisting” a slab.

We also have two new projects starting, where we are working with a senior member of the kernel security team mentoring a younger developer. The first of these projects is under Julia Lawall, who is based at the Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie in Paris and who is mentoring Bhumika Goyal, an Indian student who will travel to Paris for the three months of the project. Bhumika will be working on ‘constification’ – systematically ensuring that those values that should not change are defined as constants.

The second project is under Peter Senna Tschudin, who is based in Switzerland and is mentoring Gustavo Silva, from Mexico, who will be working on the issues found by running the Coverity static analysis tool over the kernel. Running a tool like Coverity over a very large body of code like the Linux kernel will produce a very large number of results. Many of these results may be false positives and many of the others will be very similar to each other. Peter and Gustavo intend to use the Semantic Patch Language (SmPL) to write patches which can be used to fix whole classes of issue detected by Coverity in order to more rapidly work through the long list. The goal here is to get the kernel source to a state where the static analysis scan yields very few warnings, which in turn means that as new code is added which causes a warning it will more prominently stand out, which will make the results of future analysis much more valuable.

The Kernel Self Protection Project keeps a list of projects that they believe would be beneficial to the security of the kernel. The team has been working through this list and if you are interested in helping to make the Linux kernel more secure then we encourage you to get involved. Sign up to the mailing lists, get involved in the discussions and if you are up for it then write some code. If you have specific security projects that you want to work on and you need some support in order to be able to do so then do get in touch with the CII. Supporting this sort of work is our job and we are standing by for your call!