Cloud Foundry Launches Code Certification Effort, IBM, HPE, Pivotal on Board


logo lfcp cloudfoundryA series of platform-as-a-service cloud providers such as IBM, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Pivotal, CenturyLink and SAP have agreed to certify their Cloud Foundry-based offerings to ensure that the code is portable and won’t lock in customers.

The Cloud Foundry Foundation on Wednesday launched a certification program. The certification is the first aimed at ensuring portability across platform-as-a-service offerings across multiple vendors and clouds. The Cloud Foundry Foundation is collectively owned by 55 member companies.

So far, CenturyLink AppFog, HPE Helion Cloud Foundry, IBM Bluemix, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, SAP HANA Cloud Platform and Swisscomm Application Cloud have earned the Cloud Foundry PaaS Certification.

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