“The Code Warrior” Confirmed to Discuss NSA and PRISM at LinuxCon Europe


mikko jpgDubbed “The Code Warrior” byVanity Fair, Mikko Hypponen has been involved in addressing some of the most high-profile computer viruses in history. He has assisted law enforcement in the United States, Europe and Asia on cybercrime cases and has written computer security expose’s for Scientific American, Wired, Foreign Policy and The New York Times.

Today he is Chief Research Officer at F-Secure in Finland and a just-confirmed keynote speaker for LinuxCon/CloudOpen Europe taking place October 21-23, 2013 in Edinburgh. Hypponen will be talking about the biggest computer security story of the year, that of the NSA and PRISM, in a talk titled “Living in a Surveillance State.” He is also expected to talk about the role the Linux community can play in ensuring the security and privacy of the Internet and mobile devices.

To get more detailed than that, you’ll have to register to attend the event or tune in via live stream Wednesday, October 23 at 10:15 a.m. BST. It’s worth noting that Hyponnen speaks directly after Linux creator Linus Torvalds takes the stage. If you can’t join us in person, just tune into both talks via the live video stream.

For more information about LinuxCon Europe, including co-located events and a James Bond-style evening event with casino games all taking place in a castle, please visit the Linux Foundation LinuxCon/CloudOpen Europe site.