CodePlex Foundation Reports on 100 Day Goals

Earlier this week, I noted the fact that the 100 day mark for the CodePlex Foundation had passed (on December 19) without any comment from the Foundation on how they had fared against their aggressive goals for that time period, including the replacement of the founding, interim Board of Directors, with a permanent board. 

That blog entry sparked a call from the Foundation’s PR firm, and an opportunity for me to spend an hour on the phone with Sam Ramji, the interim President of the Foundation, and Foundation Deputy Director Mark Stone during which we covered a lot of ground, including what’s been accomplished so far, what the Foundation has learned so far, how that has affected its planning, and what we can expect to be announced in the short term and long term future, all of which I’ll  report on in this blog entry.  They also informed me that an update press release covering some of the same topics would be made today.  That announcement was posted to the Foundation Web site at Noon today, and you can find it here (as usual, it’s also pasted in at the end of this blog entry).

With that as prelude, here’s what we talked about, and here’s what I learned.

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