CyanogenMod 7 Hits 500,000 Installs, Eclipses Previous Milestone

Looks like another round of roman candles are in order. After already setting off the celebratory fireworks for its previous user install milestone, CyanogenMod 7’s done it again — this time reaching past the half a million mark. The highly customizable Android homebrew is arguably the biggest aftermarket OS in the ROM-flashing campus, and it has the numbers to back it up. According to the site’s stats, the official release of 7.0.3 saw the biggest spike in handset installations — at 76,897 — with unofficial nightly builds almost doubling that figure. Sure, it sometimes seems like the rooting community is a vast, silent majority, but it’s actually a wafer-thin slice of Google’s mobile pie. Still, congratulations are in order for this open-source hackdom triumph.
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