Debian Security Advisory 1861 libxml – several vulnerabilities

Article Source Debian Security Advisories
August 12, 2009, 5:00 pm


Rauli Kaksonen, Tero Rontti and Jukka Taimisto discovered several vulnerabilities in libxml, a library for parsing and handling XML data files, which can lead to denial of service conditions or possibly arbitrary code execution in the application using the library. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following problems:

  • CVE-2009-2416

    An XML document with specially-crafted Notation or Enumeration attribute types in a DTD definition leads to the use of a pointers to memory areas which have already been freed.

  • CVE-2009-2414

    Missing checks for the depth of ELEMENT DTD definitions when parsing child content can lead to extensive stack-growth due to a function recursion which can be triggered via a crafted XML document…