Distributed Tracing Infrastructure with Jaeger on Kubernetes


Kubernetes has become the de-facto orchestrator for microservices infrastructure and deployment. The ecosystem is extremely rich and one of the fastest growing in the open-source community. A monitoring infrastructure with Prometheus, ElasticSearch, Grafana, Envoy/Consul, Jaeger/Zipkin make up a solid foundation to enable metrics, logging, dashboards, service-discovery and distributed tracing across the stack.

Distributed Tracing

Distributed tracing enables capturing requests and building a view of the entire chain of calls made all the way from user requests to interactions between hundreds of services. It also enables instrumentation of application latency (how long each request took), tracking the lifecycle of network calls (HTTP, RPC, etc) and also identify performance issues by getting visibility on bottlenecks.

The following sections go over enabling distributed tracing with Jaeger for gRPC services in a Kubernetes setup. Jaeger Github Org has dedicated repo for various deployment configurations of Jaeger in Kubernetes. These are excellent examples to build on, and I will try to break down each Jaeger component and its Kubernetes deployment.

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