Drupal book published!

Kshipra Singh writes “Drupal is one of the most popular content management systems on the internet. Based on PHP/MySQL, its power and flexibility combined with its exceptional design mean it is already on the way to becoming the de facto standard for CMS Websites. Drupal’s modular design and structured source code make it both highly flexible and easily extended and modified. Drupal is extremely scalable, making it ideal for both a simple personal website as well as an industrial strength commercial or institutional web presence.

Packt Publishing has published an interesting and enriching book on Drupal, titled, Drupal: Creating Blogs, Forums, Portals, and Community Websites.

This book is a complete guide to every aspect of creating a variety of different websites using Drupal. A trove of well-considered and practical information is presented in a logical and intuitive manner so that you can either build up your site step by step by reading from cover to cover or, alternatively, focus on your specific needs by diving into each chapter as required.

It gives an insight into:

Install, configure, administer, maintain and extend Drupal.

Control access with users, roles and permissions

Structure your content using Drupal’s powerful CMS features

Release 4.7

This book will suit anyone who has a need to create a content rich website. Whether you are:

Adding a personal web page

Building a forum

Writing a collaborative book

Retailing goods

Creating a blog

Launching a community Website

This book will prove to be an indispensable companion. Both experts and beginners to computing alike will find the information contained herein to be accessible and easy to intuit.

More details about the book are available at:

A sample chapter can be read at: http://www.packtpub.com/files/Drupal_SampleChapter .pdf

Here’s the Table of Contents of the book:
http://www.packtpub.com/page/Drupal:_Creating_Blog s,_Forums,_Portals,_and_Community_Websites_Table_o f_Contents

Link: packtpub.com