Elive 0.5 Beta Screenshot Tour

Anonymous Reader writes “DistroWatch reports – The Elive project has released the first beta build of the upcoming Elive 0.5 Enlightenment live CD. What’s new? New live CD system – Elive has moved from Morphix to DSS; new kernel 2.6.15 with a lot more hardware support, also for wireless networking, make a look to the list of new drivers added; new installer features; Elive has new system of elive-skel, you can select ‘night look’ or ‘elive look’ in the boot of the live CD system; introductory tutorial to Enlightenment hot keys on E16…

OSDir has some sweet shots of this Elive beta in the Elive 0.5 Beta Screenshot Tour.”

Link: shots.osdir.com


  • Linux