Endelea Software Distributions Open for Business

Stephen Lu writes “A new Ontario-area company recently opened – Endelea Software Distributions. The company aims to provide low-cost software alternatives to big-name commercials products, offering the user a very fair and competitive price.

“We plan to do very good business. Let’s face it, who wants to have to shell out hundreds of dollars for a single program, when you can pay under $20 for a CD full of software programs, over 30 of them!” said Alex Harris.

Endelea Software Distributions is owned and run solely by Alex Harris, a 16 year old living in Oakville. He was recently given a grant from the Ontario government to start his business and “the future looks bright” he said.

The Endelea Software Suite (sold by Endelea) is a large software package containing 37 open source software programs. The Suite features and easy-to-use interface for “the computer junkie or the new user.”

Endelea also provides software support for all its programs, another bonus thrown into the package by Alex. “We want to give users the best they can get. We want them all to feel satisfied with the product, even many days after the purchase. We’re here to make lives easier.”

Alex remains optimistic about his company even though it is still in the early stages and he will have to face the like of Microsoft and Apple. But he’s confident he can do it. “Endelea is here to stop the big companies from taking over the market and controlling your money.”

More information on Endelea can be found at www.endelea.ca

Link: endelea.ca