EnGarde: ‘glibc’ globbing buffer overflow


Author: JT Smith

EnGarde: “While researching the recent globbing bugs in wu-ftpd, Flavio Veloso
flaviovs@magnux.com> discovered (with the assistance of Jakub Jelinek
jakub@redhat.com>) a buffer overflow in glibc’s glob(3)
implementation. This vulnerability can only be triggered by programs
that use glibc’s globbing functions.”

| EnGarde Secure Linux Security Advisory               December 17, 2001 |
|  http://www.engardelinux.org/ ESA-20011217-01 |
|                                                                        |
| Package:  glibc                                                        |
| Summary:  'glibc' globbing buffer overflow                             |

  EnGarde Secure Linux is a secure distribution of Linux that features
  improved access control, host and network intrusion detection, Web
  based secure remote management, complete e-commerce using AllCommerce,
  and integrated open source security tools.

  There is a buffer overflow in glibc's globbing functions.

  While researching the recent globbing bugs in wu-ftpd, Flavio Veloso
  flaviovs@magnux.com> discovered (with the assistance of Jakub Jelinek
  jakub@redhat.com>) a buffer overflow in glibc's glob(3)
  implementation.  This vulnerability can only be triggered by programs
  that use glibc's globbing functions.

  The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has
  assigned the name CAN-2001-0886 to this issue.

  All users should upgrade to the most recent version as outlined in
  this advisory.

  Guardian Digital recently made available the Guardian Digital Secure
  Update, a means to proactively keep systems secure and manage
  system software. EnGarde users can automatically update their system
  using the Guardian Digital WebTool secure interface.

  If choosing to manually upgrade this package, updates can be
  obtained from:


Before upgrading the package, the machine must either:

    a) be booted into a "standard" kernel; or
    b) have LIDS disabled.

  To disable LIDS, execute the command:

    # /sbin/lidsadm -S -- -LIDS_GLOBAL

  To install the updated package, execute the command:

    # rpm -Uvh filename

  You must now update the LIDS configuration by executing the command:

    # /usr/sbin/config_lids.pl

  To re-enable LIDS (if it was disabled), execute the command:

    # /sbin/lidsadm -S -- +LIDS_GLOBAL

  To verify the signatures of the updated packages, execute the command:

    # rpm -Kv filename

  These updated packages are for EnGarde Secure Linux 1.0.1 (Finestra).           

  Source Packages:

      MD5 Sum:  94ad720b0450dc659e2d5ed05d2350dc

  Binary Packages:

      MD5 Sum:  6a59be712e55c3da6e027ba44599ab9e

      MD5 Sum:  6a59be712e55c3da6e027ba44599ab9e

  Guardian Digital's public key:

Credit for the discovery of this bug goes to:
    Flavio Veloso flaviovs@magnux.com>

glibc's Official Web Site:

CAN-2001-0886 (Buffer overflow in glob function of glibc)

Security Contact:    security@guardiandigital.com
EnGarde Advisories:   http://www.engardelinux.org/advisories.html

$Id: ESA-20011217-glibc,v 1.3 2001/12/17 19:48:17 rwm Exp $
Author: Ryan W. Maple, ryan@guardiandigital.com>
Copyright 2001, Guardian Digital, Inc.


  • Linux