Fedora Goes to the Dogs – Hot Dogs That Is


There’s a new dog in the house at Fedora, and he just might end up on your Fedora 15 desktop. Chris Lumens, Red Hat Anaconda developer, has proposed a new theme for the upcoming Fedora release built around hot dogs. He boldly states, “the Fedora user experience should feature Hot Dog themed artwork everywhere.”

There has been some contention over the upcoming artwork for Fedora 15 this cycle, but no on saw this coming. Most either predicted that the upstream GNOME 3 background would be the basis for the whole of Fedora 15’s artwork, or GNOME 3 would be a bit out of place with the rest of the overall theme. Perhaps as a reaction to this controversy, Lumens said, “Recent releases have focused on artwork that is too abstract, too focused on looking shiny. While the result look professional, it lacks a certain sense of the absurd. I propose creating a complete set of Hot Dog themed artwork that is used by default.”

Máirín Duffy, Fedora Art Team Leader, is supportive of Lumen’s proposal. She posted two Hot Dog wallpapers on her blog January 29. One has a yellow background and the other has a transparent background. Another image posted on the Fedora Hot Dog Wiki page depicts the lovable hot dog in Christmas garb.

Read more at Ostatic