Five faces changing the Linux desktop


Author: JT Smith

John Gowin writes “When the KDE and GNOME environments first hit the scene, they were realitive unknowns, who found a following among the early adopters. As the software matured, their following grew, until they became so popular, that they began to get support from the industry giants (a la the GNOME Foundation, and the KDE League). Now the dynamic duo are the default environments of the Linux desktop.

With the release of KDE 2.0 the bar has been moved higher, and GNOME is not sitting on it’s hands. GNOME’s new graphical shell, Eazel 1.0 is due out very soon, and Ximain (formerly Helixcode) is releasing Evolution and Red Carpet to the huddled masses in the very near future. It’s going to rock to use GNOME this year. KDE has already released KDE 2.1, which is more of an internal upgrade than anything else, and are already planning their next big move. It’s going to rock to use KDE this year, too.

Helping KDE grow into a business desktop environment has been one company’s (or should I say Kompany’s?) mission from the word go. That, of course, is I recently had the pleasure of conducting a brief interview with Shawn Gordon, head of, to get his feel on the future of the Linux desktop.



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