FOSDEM interviews


Author: JT Smith

The annual FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Developers’ European Meeting) is coming up at the end of February. This year, as in past years, the FOSDEM crew is publishing interviews with the speakers.

The first batch includes interviews with Bill Hoffman, author of CMake, Robin Rowe, project manager of CinePaint, who will be talking about Linux in Hollywood, Kohsuke Kawaguchi from the Hudson project, Stéphane Magnenat, the author of Globulation 2 and Patrick Michaud, who’ll be talking about Perl 6.
The second batch introduces Steven Knight, who wrote the python-based build system SCons, Kurt Pfeifle and Simon Peter from the klik project, Matthias Rechenburg, openQRM author, Andrei Zmievski of the PHP project, who will be enlightening the FOSDEM 2008 audience about PHP6 and its Unicode and internationalization features and Mark Finkle (Mozilla Platform Evangelist).



  • Open Source