Free Documentation Database

GFDD staff writes: “The GNUtemberg! Free Documentation Database is now ready for use. – (


after some weeks over the keyboard we have reached a stable version of GFDD (GNUtemberg! Free Documentation Database) project.

Our target is to create a database to collect and classify the Free Documentation.
In the next 3/4 weeks on you will find a test version, where you will be able to insert documentation (real or invented).

For every doc you will introduce, you can indicate all the translation and/or all the published
version you know.

In this weeeks we would be glad to recieive as much feedback is possible, so come on…!

You can find GFDD at

After this testing fase, when all will be ready, GFDD will start truely.

Contact us!!
GFDD staff –
Simone Merli, Donato Molino, Marco Presi, Gaetano Paolone”