Free Training Course Explores Software Bill of Materials


At the most basic level, a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a list of components contained in a piece of software. It can be used to support the systematic review and approval of each component’s license terms to clarify the obligations and restrictions as it applies to the distribution of the supplied software. This is important to reducing risk for organizations building software that uses open source components.

There is often confusion concerning the minimum data elements required for an SBOM and the reasoning behind why those elements are included. Understanding how components interact in a product is key for providing support for security processes, compliance processes, and other software supply chain use cases. 

This is why The Linux Foundation has taken the step of creating a free, online training course, Generating a Software Bill of Materials (LFC192). This course provides foundational knowledge about the options and the tools available for generating SBOMs and will help with understanding the benefits of adopting SBOMs and how to use them to improve the ability to respond to cybersecurity needs. It is designed for directors, product managers, open source program office staff, security professionals, and developers in organizations building software. Participants will walk away with the ability to identify the minimum elements for a SBOM, how they can be coded up, and an understanding of some of the open source tooling available to support the generation and consumption of an SBOM. 

The course takes around 90 minutes to complete. It features video content from Kate Stewart, VP, Dependable Embedded Systems at The Linux Foundation, who works with the safety, security, and license compliance communities to advance the adoption of best practices into embedded open source projects. A quiz is included to help confirm learnings.

Enroll today to start improving your development practices.

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