The Future of Linux is Proprietary

Linux can be made profitable and it can be made so without going the enterprise route or by relying on the traditional services an support model– as
long as technology companies are willing to sell the operating system on their own highly optimized and performance enhanced proprietary hardware.

Consider for the moment, the example set by Apple. True their Operating System is a proprietary fork of BSD and the MACH kernel, and not Linux, but
consider the untold ramifications of their example purely from their position as a POSIX compliant *nix-like Operating System. I highly doubt that in
the beginning Apple anticipated the wellspring of open-source and ‘free’ applications that have since flooded the Macintosh platform thanks to Apple’s
OS X. The head CEOs may have expected a few universities to port their favorite *nix utilities here and there, may even have anticipated that a few
oddball *BSD loyalists would port over a few text editors or some disk utilities; certainly they likely imagined any such port to be command line
only. The current reality today with the Macintosh being able to run just about any *BSD’Linux’ applications you could name (and most of these as GUI
applications that run seamlessly blended into the background with Apple’s native applications) would likely have floored them had they known.



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