GCC 3.1 released

Eugenia writes “Developers have been waiting for this release for more than 2 years. This is the first ‘stable’, fully recommended for usage version of GCC that is based on the 3.x branch. Except being able to generate much faster code than its 2.9x predesessor, GCC 3.1 brings better C++ compliance, Pentium4 optimizations while even more platforms are now supported. The first Linux distribution to soon use GCC 3.1 by default (along side to ICC), is Gentoo Linux, while others will surely follow. I hope that the KDE folks will modify some of their sources to compile under GCC 3.1 so we can create highly optimized KDE packages, because currently they do not completely compile with the more compliant and stricter C++
rules of GCC 3.1.”