Get Decked: A Look at TweetDeck

Article Source Linux Magazine
September 10, 2009, 8:24 pm

You have to have the right tools for the job. In many cases, if the job is working with social media, the Web sites just won’t get it done. Facebook, Twitter, and others are designed for casual users or for users who are content to live in one walled garden. Want to break down the walls between Twitter and Facebook? Then you’ll want to take a look at TweetDeck.

So what is TweetDeck? Some call it a ‚Äúsocial dashboard.‚Äù In essence, this is a pretty good description. It uses the Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace APIs to present a unified and customizable view of social media activity. The problem with Twitter, et. al., is that they present a straightforward timeline of updates with no way to organize, categorize, or filter the streams. So you either live in on the site, or miss a lot of content, assuming you follow more than a handful of people. TweetDeck is an attempt to bring some order to chaos and give you control to wade through all the updates and spend less time putting out your own updates…

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