Git Quick Start Guide


If you have any experience with programming or just altering config files, I’m sure you’ve been dumbstruck by how one change you’ve made along the line affects the whole project. Identifying and isolating the problem without a version control system is often time- and energy-intensive, involving retracing your steps and checking all changes made before the unwanted behavior first occurred. A version control system is designed explicitly to make that process easier and provide readable comparisons between versions of text.

Another great feature that distributed version control systems such as git provide is the power of lateral movement. Traditionally, a team of programmers would implement features linearly. This meant pulling the code from the trusted source (server) and developing a section before pushing the altered version back upstream to the server. With distributed systems, every computer maintains a full repository, which means each programmer has a full history of additions, deletions and contributors as well as the ability to roll back to a previous version or break away from the trusted repository and fork the development tree (which I discuss later).

Quick Start Guide

The great thing about git is there’s so little you need to know! Without further ado, let’s begin with the most important commands.

Read more at Linux Journal