GLSA 200908-04 / adobe-flash acroread


Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Adobe Flash Player:

  • lakehu of Tencent Security Center reported an unspecified memory corruption vulnerability (CVE-2009-1862).
  • Mike Wroe reported an unspecified vulnerability, related to “privilege escalation” (CVE-2009-1863).
  • An anonymous researcher through iDefense reported an unspecified heap-based buffer overflow (CVE-2009-1864).
  • Chen Chen of Venustech reported an unspecified “null pointer vulnerability” (CVE-2009-1865).
  • Chen Chen of Venustech reported an unspecified stack-based buffer overflow (CVE-2009-1866).
  • Joran Benker reported that Adobe Flash Player facilitates “clickjacking” attacks (CVE-2009-1867).
  • Jun Mao of iDefense reported a heap-based buffer overflow, related to URL parsing (CVE-2009-1868).
  • Roee Hay of IBM Rational Application Security reported an unspecified integer overflow (CVE-2009-1869).
  • Gareth Heyes and Microsoft Vulnerability Research reported that the sandbox in Adobe Flash Player allows for information disclosure, when “SWFs are saved to the hard drive” (CVE-2009-1870).