Hacker-Proof Coding


Generally, computer code is written without any formal processes, and the main metric for testing it is simply trying it out and seeing whether it or not works. Testing does not necessarily guarantee all the bases have been covered that might occur at runtime, or that it would prevent a malicious attacker who reads the program from devising something clever with which to undermine it. Formal software verification relies on mathematical theorems and reasoning and uses deductive techniques to check the most critical aspects of a system. Proponents say this technique is making hacker-proof software possible.

“A lot of the ways attackers take over programs on machines and the Internet is by exploiting security vulnerabilities, and there are many kinds, such as the buffer overrun vulnerability, to which safe languages are just immune,” notes Andrew Appel, professor of computer science at Princeton University, who is considered an expert in the program verification field.

Formal software verification uses methods that don’t rely on running the program; rather, they analyze program text to prove things about its behavior on any possible input. 

Read more at Communications of ACM