Hacking the webOS

Article Source Linux Magazine
September 8, 2009, 5:47 pm

In previous articles we have examined the market positioning of the Palm pre and the operating system it rode in on ‚Äî the webOS. In this article I would like to dispense with the marketing speak and jump in a bit deeper. We are going to look at the webOS from the inside-out by actually modifying one of the built-in applications. Don‚Äôt worry, if all goes well, we won‚Äôt actually hurt anything. Or, if you prefer you can always deviate from the prescribed course and attempt to make permanent changes to your device. The choice is yours. I am going to be working via the development environment‚Äôs Emulator, but the changes we are making here may also be made to a rooted device. Let‚Äôs get started…

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