How to Get Your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Talk Accepted


Earlier this month, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon held its largest-ever event in Copenhagen, with 4,300 attendees. This week, we opened the call for proposals (CFP) for both Shanghai (Nov. 14-15) and Seattle (Dec. 11-13). 

So, how do we choose the talks and what can you do to increase your chances of being accepted?

First, it’s helpful to understand the different categories of talks and how they’re selected. The key principle is that we want talk selection to be meritocratic and vendor-neutral, while also ensuring that new voices have a chance to be heard….

  • Avoid the common pitfall of submitting a sales or marketing pitch for your product or service, no matter how compelling it is.
  • Focus on your work with an open source project, whether it is one of the CNCF’s 22 hosted projects or a new project that adds value to the cloud native ecosystem.
  • KubeCon + CloudNativeCon is fundamentally a community conference focusing on the development of cloud native open source projects. So, pick your presenter and target audience accordingly. Our participants range from the top experts to total beginners, so we explicitly ask what level of technical difficulty your talk is targeted for (beginner, intermediate, advanced, or any) and aim to provide a range.

Read more at CNCF