How Kubernetes Deployments Work


This contributed article is part of a series, from members of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), about CNCF’s Kubecon/CloudNativeCon, taking place this week in Austin, Dec. 6 – 8.  

We’ve written quite a few blog posts about the Kubernetes container orchestration engine and how to deploy to Kubernetes already, but none cover how Kubernetes Deployments work in detail.

With Kubernetes Deployments, you “describe a desired state in a Deployment object, and the Deployment controller changes the actual state to the desired state at a controlled rate,” the Kubernetes Deployment documentation states.  In this blog, we’ll explain both how Deployments work from a high-level perspective, and then get our hands dirty by creating a Deployment and seeing how it relates to ReplicaSet and Pod objects.

Read more at The New Stack