HPC Gone Wild: The SC09 Video Parade Begins

Article Source Linux Magazine
December 9, 2009, 8:11 am
Most people are not comfortable in front of a camera. For some strange reason, I am. I don’t think I have any particular star quality and certainly I’m no threat to Brad Pitt or his dog, but I find it easier than writing. So rather than write a bunch about what is going on at SC09, I ran around the show floor with my camera man, Vien Hong, and did interviews and other interesting things.
In terms of camera work, I definitely fall into the Clint Eastwood style. One take, maybe a redo if someone falls over, but that is it. I also do things pretty much unscripted. I‚Äôll ask companies, ‚ÄúWhat is new?,‚Äù and invite them give me a quick overview. Well, in most cases it is quick. I may also ask some questions or make some embarrassing comments, but this is the age of YouTube and reality TV. Why practice…?