IBM Linux sequences the deadly SARS virus

Anonymous Reader writes “This weekend, using IBM technology running Linux, scientists at the Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre at the British Columbia Cancer Agency in Vancouver, in collaboration with the BC Centre for Disease Control and the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg — accomplished a breakthrough in the race the stop the spread of the deadly SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome): They completed the world’s first genetic sequence of the coronavirus believed to be responsible for SARS.
This milestone could open the door to a diagnostic test for the virus that has killed more than 130 people around the world, help with the development of anti-viral medications to treat those who become infected and, hopefully, one day, lead to a vaccine against the disease. The systems that enabled the sequencing of the coronavirus at the Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre included a cluster of IBM eServer xSeries systems running the Linux operating system.”
