IBM releases 6 DB2 V8.1 certification prep tutorial

Anonymous Reader writes “For those of you using DB2 for Unix or Linux, this is a good opportunity to prepare for DB2 V8.1 certification. It is the first in a series of six free tutorials designed to help you prepare for the DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Fundamentals Certification (Exam 700)

DB2 Planning: DB2 V8.1 certification, Part 1
This tutorial introduces the basics of the DB2 products and tools, along with the concepts of data warehousing and OLAP.

DB2 Security: DB2 V8.1 certification, Part 2
This tutorial introduces you to DB2 security. You will learn about DB2 authentication, authorization and privileges.

Accessing DB2 UDB Data: DB2 V8.1 certification, Part 3
This tutorial introduces you to the objects that make up a DB2 database, and to the factors that affect how the database is created.

Working with DB2 UDB Data: DB2 V8.1 certification, Part 4
This tutorial introduces you to Structured Query Language (SQL), and helps to give you a good understanding of how DB2 Universal Database uses SQL to define database objects (such as tables, views, or indexes) and to manipulate data in a relational database.

Working with DB2 UDB Objects: DB2 V8.1 certification, Part 5
This tutorial discusses data types, tables, views, and indexes as defined by DB2 Universal Database. It explains the features of these objects, how to create and manipulate them using Structured Query Language (SQL), and how they can be used in an application.

Data Concurrency: DB2 V8.1 certification prep, Part 6
This tutorial will introduce you to the concept of data consistency and to the various mechanisms that are used by DB2 Universal Database to maintain database consistency in both single- and multi-user environments.”
