Identity Management from the Cloud


Offers for identity management as a service (IDaaS) are entering the market and promising simplicity. However, many lack functionality, adaptability, and in-depth integration with existing systems. We look at how IT managers should consider IDaaS in their strategy.

Identity and access management (IAM) is a core IT discipline located between IT infrastructure, information security, and governance (Figure 1). For example, IAM tools help with the management of users and their access rights across systems and (cloud) services, to provide easy access to applications (preferably with a single sign-on experience), to handle strong authentication, and to protect shared user accounts….

In the market for IDaaS or cloud IAM, a rapidly growing number of offers focus on a number of different features. Moreover, these products are not easy to compare. The most important types of cloud IAM services are described here.

Cloud single sign-on (SSO) solutions are probably the best-known services. Their most important feature for users is an SSO to various cloud services. One of the most important value propositions is their predefined integration with hundreds, or even thousands, of different cloud services. Access is typically through a kind of portal that contains the icons of the various connected cloud services.

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