IPv6 Transition: A Quick Guide


Despite the much-anticipated depletion of public IPv4 addresses, adoption of network address translation (NAT) has led most enterprises to continue using IPv4 both internally and at the internet edge. But as companies refresh their networks and IoT begins to pick up steam, many network administrators are finally making the choice to incorporate IPv6 in their network in some capacity. Here are some fundamentals when it comes to an IPv6 transition.

How to read an IPv6 address

By far the most important skill in an IPv6 transition is simply understanding how to read an IPv6 address. While IPv4 and IPv6 addresses accomplish the same goal, they look drastically different. An IPv6 address is 128-bits long compared to just 32-bits for and IPv4 address. While IPv6 addresses use the same mask structure as IPv4 to differentiate the host bits from the network bits, –it’s on a 128-bit scale.

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