Jonas Oberg new Vice President of the FSF Europe


Author: JT Smith

“On November 22nd, 2001, Jonas Oberg was appointed Vice President of
the Free Software Foundation Europe. Former Vice President, Loic
Dachary, has passed on his office because he needs to pursue other
activities within the Free Software community.”

Having been involved in the FSF Europe since its founding, Loic has
been an important member of the core team and has been instrumental in
the process of establishing a foundation for a French local
chapter. He has also worked hard with the FSF Europe web pages and
contributes continously, among other things, as a system administrator
for several machines.

"My agenda on various Free Software related subjects, such as Savannah
( do not allow me to devote enough time to the Vice
President position in the Free Software Foundation Europe," says Loic
Dachary. "Instead of keeping the title without acting accordingly, I'm
passing the charge to Jonas."

Jonas has been involved in the Free Software community for numerous
years.  He has previously worked as chief webmaster for the GNU
Project and has participated in several Free Software projects, such
as the GNU Enterprise project. The focus of his work now is the
development and furthering of Free Software all over Europe and in
particular the Scandinavian countries.

"The future of Free Software depends a lot on what we do today," says
Jonas Oberg, newly appointed Vice President of the FSF Europe. "I plan
to work to preserve the ability to use and develop Free Software in
all of its forms, for example by helping to extend the efforts already
underway against software patents and helping the media, government
and companies understand the underlying issues of Free Software."

About the FSF Europe:

The Free Software Foundation Europe is the European sister
organization of the Free Software Foundation created 1985 by Richard
M. Stallman in the United States of America.

Principal goals of the FSF Europe are coordination of Free Software
initiatives throughout Europe, providing a Free Software
competence-center for politicians and journalists and infrastructure
for Free Software projects, especially the GNU Project.

Further information about the FSF Europe can be found at

   Georg C. F. Greve 
   Tel: +49-40-23809080
   Fax: +49-40-23809081
   Frederic Couchet  
   Tel: +33 6 60 68 89 31
   Bernhard Reiter 
   Tel: +49-541 - 335 08 - 33
   Alessandro Rubini 
   Tel: +39-0382-529.554 (o .424)
   Fax: +39-0382-529.424 
   Jonas Öberg 
   Tel: +46-21-144831