Kantar Worldpanel: Apple Shoots Back To Top Of U.S. Smartphone Sales On An iPhone 5 Rocket, Android Leading Elsewhere


rocket launch (via tumblr)

Samsung may be be the world’s most popular smartphone brand, but in the influential U.S. market, Apple has climbed back to the top of the pack on the strength of its iPhone 5 sales. According to the latest figures from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, the WPP market research subsidiary, Apple’s newest smartphone accounted for just over 48% of all smartphone sales in the country, letting it get past Android — which, across all the different devices running on the platform — accounted for 46.7% of sales in the last 12 weeks ending October 28.

But in Europe, Kantar points out that Android remains ahead of iOS by a pretty strong margin: in Germany it accounted for 73.9% of sales, and even more in Spain at 81.7%. Meanwhile, Italy continues to be Nokia’s strongest market in Europe, where the Windows Phone accounted for nearly 12% of sales.


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