Kube-Node: Let Your Kubernetes Cluster Auto-Manage Its Nodes


This contributed article is part of a series, from members of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), about the upcoming CNCF’s Kubecon/CloudNativeCon, taking place in Austin, Dec. 6 – 8.  

As Michelle Noorali put it in her keynote address at KubeCon Europe in March of this year: the Kubernetesopen source container orchestration engine is still hard for developers. In theory, developers are crazy about Kubernetes and container technologies, because they let them write their application once and then run it anywhere without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. In reality, however, they still rely on operations in many aspects, which (understandably) dampens their enthusiasm about the disruptive potential of these technologies.

One major downside for developers is that Kubernetes is not able to auto-manage and auto-scale its own machines. As a consequence, operations must get involved every time a worker node is deployed or deleted. Obviously, there are many node deployment solutions, including TerraformChef or Puppet, that make ops live much easier.

Read more at The New Stack