Leo Laporte: The PC and open source will outlive Windows

Lots of people know Leo Laporte. You might have seen him as one of the hosts on Tech TV’s Screen Savers show, or heard his podcast, which is the number one or two most downloaded podcast currently, depending on who you talk to. If so, you know that Leo is the consummate pragmatist. He’s not an open source advocate per se, but a best-of-breed kinda guy. He’s recently gone on record [website, MP3 link] saying that GNU/Linux is not ready for his mom or the prime time desktop just yet. He’s not a UNIX advocate, although he is enthused about the power of the UNIX-type way of doing an operating system. He likes Macs, but he is not anti-Windows and specifically denies that he is a Mac bigot. He is willing to help people get the most out of Windows, and, for example, recently talked to a local PC users group about how to make their Windows more secure (to the extent that’s possible).

Link: Mad Penguin