Exits Benelux in Face of Fine

sjvn writes “ on Friday stopped selling its products in the Benelux countries after Microsoft asked a Dutch court to fine the company more than $120,000 a day.”A Dutch court in January had temporarily barred, of San Diego, from selling its Linux-based operating system in the three European countries, known as the Benelux countries. But tried a novel approach in February to continue doing business there. It changed its name for those markets to “Lin—s” (Lindash) and launched a new Web site under that name.

Microsoft earlier this week fought back when it sought the fine in a court filing, alleging that has not blocked visitors from the Benelux countries from its Web site and that “‘Lin—s’ clearly refers to Lindows” and continues to violates its Windows trademark.

“We do feel that they clearly are violating the terms of the preliminary injunction order,” Microsoft spokeswoman Stacy Drake said on Friday. “This matter could be easily resolved if they just changed their name.”



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