Linus Torvalds Announces the Sixth RC of Linux Kernel 4.9, Only Two More to Go


That’s right, the sixth RC of Linux kernel 4.9 is now ready for public testing, and, according to Linus Torvalds, it’s a fairly normal patch and things have stayed pretty calm since last week’s RC4 milestone. As for the changes, Linux kernel 4.9 RC6 ships with RDMA updates, GPU fixes, minor build and tooling improvements, several arch updates (ARM, PowerPC, x86, Xtensa), and other small changes here and there.

“We’re getting further in the rc series, and while things have stayed pretty calm, I’m not sure if we’re quite there yet. There’s a few outstanding issues that just shouldn’t be issues at rc6 time, so we’ll just have to see. This may be one of those releases that have an rc8, which considering the size of 4.9 is perhaps not that unusual,” wrote Linus Torvalds…

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