Linus Torvalds: Desktop Market has already started

LinuxTimes.Net writes “Linus Torvalds: ”Desktop Market has already started”
Preston St. Pierre of Linux Times interviews Linus Torvalds.

Linus Torvalds tells of some other programming venues than the Linux kernel, predicts a shadowy outcome for GNU/Hurd, gives some advice to anyone wanting to undertake a large software project and updates us on the latest in kernel development in this email interview by Preston St. Pierre.

Preston: Your life has been dedicated for quite some time to the Linux kernel. If this project was no longer yours, what kind of project would you most like to take on next (games, user applications, another kernel, development tools, etc)?

Linus Torvalds: I like being close to the hardware, and doing good visuals (ie games or GUI’s) is not my forte, so I’d probably work on development tools or similar.
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