​Linus Torvalds Talks About Coming Back to Work on Linux


While in Edinburgh, I caught up with Linus Torvalds. He confided his thoughts about returning to Linux, the Code of Conduct, and some software, BPF, which is fundamentally changing how the Linux kernel and user space work together.

Linus Torvalds quietly met with Linux’s top 40 or so developers at the Maintainers’ Summit, held in concert with Open Source Summit Europe in Scotland. Afterward, we spoke about his return to Linux, the adoption of the Linux Code of Conduct (CoC), and how Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) is changing Linux.

Torvalds stepped away from managing the Linux kernel because he needed to, as he explained it, “change some of my behavior, which had hurt and possibly drove away some people from kernel development.” He wanted to “take time off and get some assistance on how to understand people’s emotions and respond appropriately.”

So, what has he done since then?

Torvalds said, “I expect it to be a continuing process, but for now I have an email filter in place (that might be expanded upon or modified as needed or as I come up with more esoteric swearing — the current filter is really pretty basic). And I have been talking weekly with a professional, although again right now my travel is messing with that schedule.”

Read more at ZDNet