Linux Fastest Boot Time Challenge

ImprovedSource writes “Wow! When I initially published the article, Boot Fedora Linux Faster: How I Modified Fedora To Boot In Under 25 Seconds, neither my server or me was ready for 22k visitors in one day. It seems that there is a great interest in the topic of reducing boot time. So I think a challenge is in order to get Linux people together to try to reduce boot time. The challenge would be the fastest boot time from bootloader to GDM Login on Fedora Core 4 Linux running the listed services in the “Boot Fedora Linux Faster: How I Modified Fedora To Boot In Under 25 Seconds” article. To participate send me (see below) a description of what was done including any scripts files needed, a bootchart, the specs of you computer, and your name or alias (if you want it published) and I will publish your findings in this article below if what you found has not already been done before. I will also publish the top 25 fastest boot times. The goal would be valuable research from everyone to help the Linux community at large. Read More



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