The Linux Test Project ltp-20030905 Released

Robbie Williamson writes
“The Linux Test Project test suite has been released. The latest version of the testsuite contains 2000+ tests for the Linux OS. Our web site also contains other information such as: test results, a Linux test tools matrix, an area for keeping up with fixes for known blocking problems in the 2.5/2.6 kernel releases, technical papers and HowTos on Linux testing, and a code coverage analysis tool.


  • Updated the test coverage “galaxy map” to include all testcases
    for 32bit Intel and PowerPC architectures.
  • Created a device driver framework tool to allow kernel
    level testing of device driver code.
  • Released first version of the SLES 8 EAL 2+ Certification Test Suite.
  • Made improvements that allow for a quicker overall build and install.
  • Applied more bug fixes, patches, and code cleanups.

We encourage the community to post results, patches or new tests on our mailing list and use the CVS bug tracking facility to report problems that you might encounter with the test suite.”
