The Linux Test Project ltp-2003DD released

Robbie Williamson writes
“The Linux Test Project test suite ltp-full-20030404.tgz has been released.
Visit our website ( to download the latest
version of the testsuite that contains 1000+ tests for the Linux OS. Our
site also contains other information such as: test results, a Linux test
tools matrix, an area for keeping up with fixes for known blocking problems
in the 2.5 kernel releases, technical papers and HowTos on Linux testing,
and a code coverage analysis tool.
Lists of test cases that are expected to fail for specific architectures
and kernels are located at: .
These lists also contain expected LTP compiler warnings for each
architecture and kernel.


  • Stability, stability, stability! Most compiler warnings have been resolved
    for i386, ppc32, ppc64, s390, and s390x architectures.
  • Thanks to Andreas Jaeger, Dan Kegel, and Doug Ramir for their dedication to
    and help in increasing the stability of the LTP.

A revised and updated LTP HowTo is in its final stages of review and should
be available later this month. Plus, an ncurses-type GUI is also in the works
for inclusion into the May release.
We encourage the community to post results, patches, or new tests on our
mailing list, and to use the CVS bug tracking facility to report problems
that you might encounter. More details available at our web-site.”
